Owner and media reviews

We’re looking forward to receiving your story about your Bar Crusher boat. You may have lots to say or very little to say. Either way, we’re grateful for your feedback!
In November 2005 I took possession of my Bar Crusher 610C (now 615C) and it has given me and my wife endless hours of...
Endless hours of pleasure
REVIEW: Bar Crusher 615C
Our family purchased a Bar Crusher 610C (now 615C), a year ago now, and it's the best lifestyle choice (toy) we've made.
It's the best lifestyle choice (toy) we've made
REVIEW: Bar Crusher 615C
I took delivery of my 610C (now 615C) on Christmas Eve 2005 and have been delighted with the performance from day one.
Delighted with the performance
REVIEW: Bar Crusher 615C
Just thought I'd let you know that I had another four days at the bottom of Yorke Peninsula in SA, fishing for whiting. Got...
Bloody beautiful!
REVIEW: Bar Crusher 615C
I purchased a Bar Crusher 610C (now 615C) in November last year. Attached are some photos of me and my two sons with some...
I catch too many fish with it!
REVIEW: Bar Crusher 615C
My wife Gillian and I wanted a boat we could tow long distances easily, give us a comfortable and safe ride to distant...
The boat came with everything
REVIEW: Bar Crusher 615C
I bought a Bar Crusher 610C (now 615C) in June this year. I spent about six months researching what type of boat to get. An...
I bought the best
REVIEW: Bar Crusher 615C
I purchased my Bar Crusher 610C (now 615C) in 2005 and have put about 200 hours on the 140 Suzuki four-stroke in that time....
Complete confidence
REVIEW: Bar Crusher 615C
I have always owned alloy boats for two reasons: light to tow behind the car and bullet proof at sea.
Delighted with my Bar Crusher
REVIEW: Bar Crusher 615C
I recently went fishing off Portland, Victoria, and managed the hook-up of a lifetime – a 126kg Southern bluefin tuna!
Phenomenal stability
REVIEW: Bar Crusher 615C
It has been just under 12 months since Dad and I purchased a 610C (now 615C) with a 115 Yamaha four stroke. We fish out of...